ZIPSON 305C 三片式超低温球阀

Tongue & Groove


陸功 Zipson 的 305C 系列超低溫球閥在設計初期時即使用 tongue & groove (榫槽, 企口) 方式連結本體和側蓋,用以達到在極溫卻高壓的工作環境下最佳的密封效果。以卻保操作人員及設備環境都安全可靠。

-196°C 最嚴峻的工作條件

作為通過 ISO 9001 認證的供應商,陸功遵循低溫工作條件的最佳設計指令。

在超低溫的工作溫度下,操作扭力會因零件縮硬化明顯增加。陸功使用 17-4 中軸設計低溫閥,以防止中軸於扭力提升下扭曲變形。

此外, 針對本體和側蓋之間的密封區域,陸功採用榫槽 (企口)設計,以提供更好的密封能力,防止外部洩漏。

低溫閥的球塞,其上游端必須有一個洩壓孔設計,  並配合低溫加高軸的設計,使閥門的操作更順暢安全。

  • Body & end caps quality investment casting

  • Stem extension according to Shell SPE 77/200

  • Tongue & groove body seal design for better sealing

  • Heavy duty design

  • 1500 psi (1/4″~2″)/ 1000 psi (2-1/2″~4″)

  • with ISO 5211 direct mounting pad

  • High performance adjustable stem packing

  • Blow-out proof stem design

  • Ball pressure release hole on upstream side

As an ISO 9001 certified supplier, Zipson is capable of manufacturing the cryogenic valves with best design and quality, for the harshest working temperature, -196°CZipson’s 305C cryogenic ball valves are designed for various media, such as liquid nitrogen, Helium, CO2 and other liquid gases. They are suitable for warehouse logistic, medical, pharmaceutical, transportation industries. All the valve casting parts are produced in Zipson’s investment casting foundry in Taiwan with precision and accuracy. Our 305C valves are compliant with ASME B16.34 standard and are safe for users and the environment.With tongue & groove body/ end connection design and TFM1600 seals, the 305C type has better sealing ability and can avoid external leakage in both low pressure and high pressure working conditions. We also add the spring-loaded stem (self-adjusting stem packing) in our design. It can make the sealing ability better, and also extend the service life of our 305C type greatly. The cryogenic extended bonnet follows SHELL SPE 77 200-2013 standard.
